
This quote fue agregado por neveronground
Pineapple on pizza is actually delicious. So is shredded cheddar cheese on vanilla ice cream. Peanut butter and pickles combine beautifully. Some people hate what they do not understand, but do not let them prevent you from experiencing the deliciousness of these combinations.

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beefybread 3 años atrás
Damn you caught so many people off guard that everyone but one person got a score below 100 wpm.

Pon a prueba tus habilidades, toma la Prueba de mecanografía.

Score (PPM) la distribución de esta cita. Más.

Mejores puntajes para este typing test

Nombre PPM Precisión
hackertyper492 140.87 98.2%
johnymaccarroni 137.37 97.5%
berryberryberry 130.33 94.9%
vanilla 127.74 99.3%
user871724 127.21 90.8%
strikeemblem 124.49 98.2%
ludbee 116.63 97.2%
rivendellis 114.84 99.3%
venerated 114.62 96.9%
timbosupreme 114.55 96.9%

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Nombre PPM Precisión
user103663 92.35 98.2%
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stevendiao 62.33 87.4%
eveliaaa1994 62.81 97.9%
ezka 111.35 96.2%