
This quote fue agregado por fartchili
Because errors are recorded in per word, spaces are counted only as separators, and therefore, an extra space won't count as an error. Try it out. Put an extra space in here somewhere.

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haarp_wi2xfx 5 meses, 2 semanas atrás
Meanwhile, my true top WPM is around 75. But one error and my WPM shoots down to 50 WPM. Why is it lying?
beefybread 3 años atrás
I thought you were trying to trick people for a moment.

Pon a prueba tus habilidades, toma la Prueba de mecanografía.

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user871724 165.84 95.3%
venerated 151.44 98.9%
berryberryberry 142.77 96.3%
penguino_beano 139.82 98.4%
lome 137.70 96.3%
69buttpractice 136.81 98.4%
destiny-00 132.13 99.5%
user491757 129.87 98.9%
adilzinoune 128.79 98.9%
deadmoose 127.42 98.9%

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ockock 106.82 97.4%
thecrazydane2 71.90 90.6%
freedomdazzles 20.75 96.3%