Kurotsuchi's Speech to Szayel [Bleach] - Tite Kubo

This quote fue agregado por anaia3712
There is nothing in this world that is truly "perfect". Though it may be a rather large cliche, it is still the truth. In truth, what is this idea of perfection truly worth? Nothing. Not a single thing. To be perfect is to be unable to improve any further. There would be no scope for creation, not a single gap in one's knowledge or one's ability. Perfection is tantamount to despair. We aspire to reach greater levels of brilliance than ever before, but never, NEVER, to reach perfection.

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afbwelter 11 años atrás
I don't have that e with the accent above it on my keyboard and so was not able to finish the quote. PLEASE LET THIS EDIT GO THROUGH, because I know that I am not the only one who has tried to type this quote or many like this one but could not. It's silly, and it needs to be fixed.

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