Backspace - Concerned User

This quote fue agregado por gianttoenail99
Out of all the keys on your keyboard, backspace must be the most important out of the entire batch! For without it making any revisions would be utterly impossible, not to mention how popular this key is on this particular website!

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s111 2 años, 4 meses atrás
Delete exists
gianttoenail99 3 años atrás
My finger always hits numlock, Feels bad
face_the_music 3 años, 1 mes atrás
My fingers seem to disagree with your assessment, seeing as they always somehow seem to hit the equals sign instead of the backspace.

Send help please.
kumagai 3 años, 4 meses atrás
I wish life had a backspace

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tang 134.99 96.7%
user697099 134.74 95.1%

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