Famous Marvel quotes from the films. - Tatton Wieburg

This quote fue agregado por michelmyers
Pizza time." "Mr. Stark, I don't feel so good." "You'll get your rent when you fix this ___ door!" "Hello Peter." "Avengers, Assemble" "I can do this all day." "There are no strings on me." "If they cut off one head, two more shall take its place. Hail Hydra." "I am inevitable." "You should have gone for the head." "I am groot." "Here me and rejoice, for you are about to die by the hands of the children of Thanos. "I... Am... IronMan." Dreaded, run from it, but destiny arrives all the same.

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user96927 3 años atrás
Maddox Here, You weren't lying lol

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