Flexion quotes AKA making a typing test to help me memorise quotes for my English exam - Cate Kennedy

This quote fue agregado por claudie319
Frank's wife notices the dust floating like a heat mirage - the vehicle tipped upside like an abandoned toy - As she runs she kicks off her slippery town shoes and feels dry furrowed earth rising and falling and crumbling under her bare feet all the way to where he's lying.

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Nombre PPM Precisión
claudie319 102.52 96.8%
dante-didit 96.40 96.5%
gwaldrop 93.75 93.8%
sterlingwolf 91.02 95.5%
user105502 89.83 96.2%
user107830 87.91 98.9%
bp.kuma 61.20 94.5%
js88 59.27 94.2%
hiphopapotamus 59.03 92.3%
machinist80 49.54 84.9%

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Nombre PPM Precisión
bp.kuma 61.20 94.5%
user109900 20.69 95.2%
hiphopapotamus 59.03 92.3%
machinist80 49.54 84.9%
sterlingwolf 91.02 95.5%
gwaldrop 93.75 93.8%
user107830 87.91 98.9%
claudie319 96.72 95.8%