Rambles - Jim Hall

This quote fue agregado por hallthewall
Sometimes I wonder why I type all day long. Am I trying to beat my last score or just trying to beat the ever pressing boredom that sets in from putting a full eight-hour work day together? Maybe I am just wasting time until the Browns play this Sunday? Who knows? I guess I'll just get back to work before I get busted.

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jjp 3 años atrás
Get back to work, slacker!

Pon a prueba tus habilidades, toma la Prueba de mecanografía.

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Nombre PPM Precisión
user871724 154.33 98.8%
user491757 137.94 97.9%
venerated 137.56 99.1%
berryberryberry 134.13 95.3%
feuv 131.29 98.5%
theprivateeye 129.97 97.9%
hackertyper492 129.92 93.8%
keyherohero 128.96 92.5%
strikeemblem 128.28 95.0%
kwissy_ 128.27 98.2%

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Nombre PPM Precisión
hallthewall 60.61 89.6%
kyle_w 101.17 94.7%
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rhonamaezing 85.29 97.3%
kcl 65.61 94.7%
mpegwmvavi 71.97 98.2%
js88 58.21 96.4%