Sticky Keys - GreenYoshiGLPT

This quote fue agregado por greenyoshiglpt
The keyboard that I use in my office to type really sucks. Some of the keys stick while others barely register my touch. When I get bored, I use this site to pass the time. But my favorite pastime will become my worst nightmare if my boss doesn't get this keyboard exchanged. It got so bad that I typed this quote on my phone.

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soaps 10 meses, 3 semanas atrás
Checking in, you probably won't see this, but, did you get it changed? Is typing better for you now?

Pon a prueba tus habilidades, toma la Prueba de mecanografía.

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user291759 134.62 97.6%
rivendellis 131.52 98.8%
strikeemblem 130.23 96.2%
user871724 128.73 95.9%
theprivateeye 128.26 97.3%

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