Flobots - Handlebars - Jonny 5

This quote fue agregado por hrupptheg
Look at me, look at me, driving and I won't stop, and it feels so good to be alive and on top. My reach is global, my tower secure, my cause is noble, my power is pure. I can make anybody go to prison just because I don't like 'em. I can give a million vaccinations or let 'em all die from exasperation.

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ceifero 2 semanas, 6 días atrás
Can't finish this quote.
dwigtsmorin 2 años, 10 meses atrás
This is not the quote, here's the verse:

I can hand out a million vaccinations
Or let 'em all die of exasperation
Have 'em all healed of their lacerations
Have 'em all killed by assassination
I can make anybody go to prison
Just because I don't like 'em
And I can do anything with no permission
I have it all under my command because

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