Why I Type - Anonn

This quote fue agregado por jebith
I feel like most people come to this website because they are bored and just want to practice their typing. Some want to look busy, and some just love typing. I personally am here a lot because I get very bored at school and have a lot of downtime. I did not put any colons or apostrophes in this quote so you could get a better score!

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user491757 140.20 97.4%
thanatos 139.66 96.3%
xmaddockmark 137.15 98.8%
netramz 136.47 99.1%
vanilla 134.15 95.5%
bmcgoo 131.20 99.4%
penguino_beano 130.96 96.8%
ksnapp87 129.88 98.2%
user502993 129.00 99.7%
strikeemblem 128.98 97.4%

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