The Best Feeling - SMasH

This quote fue agregado por x_smash
To me, the best feeling in the typing world is consistently typing faster and faster. The feeling of typing well over my average multiple times in a row brings so much joy and excitement. Knowing I am improving, that I am becoming a typing wizard.

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Nombre PPM Precisión
user871724 158.93 94.3%
penguino_beano 145.23 98.8%
feuv 135.91 97.2%
ned1230noskip 133.89 96.9%
poop 133.26 95.7%
user948988 131.21 97.2%
bmcgoo 131.17 98.4%
dcb87 127.62 99.6%
vmlm 127.27 98.4%
ayruku 126.69 96.9%

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Nombre PPM Precisión
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user871724 158.93 94.3%
blunzengroestel 89.68 94.3%
ldybeast05 97.05 97.6%