Long Simple 4 - Typing Experiment

This quote fue agregado por kellwood
World change have while late part of number those as and house after stand new fact a thing same system keep change public if in new. Think upset court quit creed king cap word rice grass jelly a mist fade the agile mild pitch zone of offer rider major few core or deep load amber rub basis steep. Well ink new.

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kellwood 2 años, 10 meses atrás
I created these in order to do a statistical experiment to measure typing speed and accuracy under different conditions.

Pon a prueba tus habilidades, toma la Prueba de mecanografía.

Score (PPM) la distribución de esta cita. Más.

Mejores puntajes para este typing test

Nombre PPM Precisión
keyherohero 143.83 98.7%
venerated 133.56 96.6%
violet12333 131.98 98.1%
penguino_beano 126.36 96.0%
bmcgoo 123.12 99.4%
user491757 118.53 98.7%
gizmo21 112.99 98.7%
uncleron 111.80 94.0%
strikeemblem 110.09 96.0%
jack.flora 109.12 99.0%

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Nombre PPM Precisión
user80864 100.46 96.0%
ryno4117 79.50 93.4%
user843630 84.83 96.3%
user107829 42.90 88.4%
user108080 43.45 95.1%
ryno4117 89.99 94.8%
jssosa10 39.98 89.4%
reamerton 63.48 93.4%