Type - ~Unknown~

This quote fue agregado por goal7
I really like those quotes that are just so easy to type that it almost feels like your fingers are flying out of control because they're moving so fast. Those quotes that are not to short and not to long make perfect typing records.

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Mejores puntajes para este typing test

Nombre PPM Precisión
jezpher 135.52 98.7%
nobleinfantry 100.09 97.5%
user102868 95.10 91.7%
marib 87.67 87.8%
user580058 86.93 96.7%
ultra_penguin 85.85 98.3%
gladevise 84.10 100%
user104405 83.91 93.2%
user233753 79.43 97.9%
user338043 78.79 98.3%

Recientemente para

Nombre PPM Precisión
user930022 50.46 90.7%
mohd_talib 59.47 92.9%
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ultra_penguin 85.85 98.3%
maheem 76.89 94.0%
gladevise 84.10 100%