Make a Game of You - Kingkiller Chronicle

This quote fue agregado por crookedwarden
I will make a game of you. I will follow you unseen and smother any spark of joy you find. You will never know a woman's touch, a breath of rest, a moment's peace of mind. And if you lead my love to despair, I will slit you open and splash around like a child in a mud puddle. I will string a fiddle with your guts and make you play it while I dance. This I swear to you by night sky and ever-moving moon. In this I will not be defied.

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maliheim 9 meses, 3 semanas atrás
Those that don't like the quote should read the book.
dee89 1 año, 9 meses atrás
Yeah, not a fan of this quote. How can I delete it from the rotation? lol
user286987 2 años, 6 meses atrás not gonna lie that shit scared me while i was typing it lol

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