My English tutor and me

This quote fue agregado por mcfodi
Many - indeed, most - people don't know the order of a sentence matters; the end of a sentence is more emphasized than the start. Take, for example, the sentences "The wolf stalked through the woods, rain falling all around, coat dripping wet." and "Through the woods, rain falling all around, coat dripping wet, the wolf stalked." In the first sentence, emphasis is placed on the setting and what it's like. In the second sentence, emphasis is placed on the wolf and what it's doing.

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lenorite 1 año, 10 meses atrás
What's actually interesting is I've noticed some times when I've started with the thing that I want to emphasize, but then I tried to fix it by almost making a 'sandwich' out of the clauses and mentioning it again at the end.

"While I don't agree with you, I see what you're saying, but I just can't support that"

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