Frustrating Quotes - Me, Again

This quote fue agregado por snarkster
This system is stupid. It keeps telling me the quote already exist in the database. I highly doubt that someone has typed the exact same words that I have entered into the prompt.

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Mejores puntajes para este typing test

Nombre PPM Precisión
rezai 159.57 99.4%
arravalle 120.61 98.9%
npabs 119.34 98.9%
strikeemblem 111.36 94.8%
achildslaughter 102.47 95.7%
mgreen22097 98.63 95.7%
ponysseus 97.57 94.7%
azooya 97.55 93.2%
ockock 97.49 96.2%
user104405 97.49 100%

Recientemente para

Nombre PPM Precisión
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colinoooooooo 75.10 90.9%
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user104405 79.95 96.2%
strikeemblem 111.36 94.8%
npabs 119.34 98.9%
fredegunde 54.59 92.7%
user105053 66.36 93.2%