I Just Wanted The Achievement - Billie Thighlish

This quote fue agregado por billie_thighlish
All that I needed to do was post a quote from this to get an achievement. So I'm just going to make this short and easy because that's all it takes for me to get the bronze achievement for the quotes.

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user871724 157.67 96.2%
user491757 155.23 100%
user74592 118.85 96.6%
user790286 94.15 99.5%
magesh 84.91 92.6%
tffnymllr 84.47 93.0%
tsquared76 83.09 96.2%
willowthewitch 74.29 91.7%
vladymir_12r4 72.29 96.2%
sarynbek 70.59 93.5%

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user105268 56.86 93.5%
very_slow_typewrighter 29.56 91.0%
magesh 84.91 92.6%
tffnymllr 84.47 93.0%
user871724 157.67 96.2%
ceifero 70.56 98.0%
afiffauzi31897 58.72 93.5%
yousseff 65.52 86.5%