Been a year, 30 to 80 - Saralia

This quote fue agregado por user90816
It's been a year since I've joined this website, practicing to type faster. A year ago my top speed was 30 WPM, which is unimpressive, and I'm here now aiming for 90 WPM. With a stable average of 85 WPM for about 2 months now, I think I hit my plateau. I blame my keyboard for that.

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jjp 2 años, 11 meses atrás
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Mejores puntajes para este typing test

Nombre PPM Precisión
user491757 126.24 98.3%
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netramz 109.91 98.6%
gordonlew 109.02 96.2%
mafuso 107.77 98.6%
user717489 107.68 97.6%
rivendellis 107.44 98.3%
cornvelious 106.52 97.6%
timbosupreme 105.46 97.6%

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lacsaokarylle08 64.71 97.9%
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