Politics - ​​​​​​

This quote fue agregado por neveronground
If you live in the United States, you probably won't accomplish much by supporting a third party. So maybe you should pragmatically pick a major party to register for and vote for. But that's it. You don't have to support its every political position. You don't owe it your vote when the candidate goes against your core values. And you sure as heck don't owe it your heart.

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bcurty32 1 mes atrás
What is pragmatic about voting for a party that tries to hurt you? Assuming you are middle/working class, both parties are out to get you. It's not pragmatic to vote for them just because one of them will win, it is accepting your own demise.
neveronground 2 años, 5 meses atrás
It really depends to what extent each party represents your ideals.
albinotoe 2 años, 5 meses atrás
Yeah cause why would you vote for somebody that you actually support?
catrice 2 años, 6 meses atrás
It's not self-respect. It's choosing idealism over pragmatism.
jjp 2 años, 6 meses atrás
Or, you can have some self-respect and support that third party despite seemingly overwhelming odds. Stand up for your beliefs.

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