short quote - no'on

This quote fue agregado por user807483
This is the shortest quote possible and the easiest to type so lets a go and make this quote 150 letters and make it easy yea so lets make it the easiest.

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user660396 110.04 99.4%
thebombuknow 86.06 89.5%
user94166 79.08 98.7%
slyfies 73.03 99.4%
clackey 62.97 100%
shibui 50.78 95.7%
geevs 44.80 90.1%
damccull 38.61 89.0%

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Nombre PPM Precisión
damccull 38.61 89.0%
user660396 110.04 99.4%
geevs 44.80 90.1%
slyfies 73.03 99.4%
user94166 79.08 98.7%
shibui 50.78 95.7%
thebombuknow 86.06 89.5%
clackey 62.97 100%