Time of Twins - Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman

This quote fue agregado por playerofarmor
Dusting himself off, he turned eagerly to Caramon. "I have it figured out! You see - it used to be Fistandantilus becoming Raistlin becoming Fistandantilus. Only now it's Fistandantilus becoming Raistlin becoming Fistandantilus, then becoming Raistlin again. See?" No, Caramon did not.

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playerofarmor 2 años, 7 meses atrás
This quote is a duplicate of https://keyhero.com/online-typing-test/33737/ , please delete this one; I've had a bug during upload

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giannepaula07 91.02 94.1%
dlandrith 75.23 99.0%
lavantien 61.78 98.6%
user90997 61.22 88.8%
chacho 42.86 95.6%
user421490 40.38 90.5%
user564989 39.04 97.6%
elsieh90 30.89 92.2%
wc911typing 26.83 94.8%
kidula 22.01 93.4%

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kidula 22.01 93.4%
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abdullahtariq_t 20.70 87.8%
lavantien 61.78 98.6%
elsieh90 30.89 92.2%