Anonymous - Anonymous

This quote fue agregado por wh1209
This is an easy quote to type. Should be short and concise for you to type it faster than usual and should have short enough words for you to speed up.

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Mejores puntajes para este typing test

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hackertyper492 157.91 94.4%
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user491757 144.27 97.4%
2001or2 137.36 96.2%
penguino_beano 121.91 93.2%
spiritowl 120.88 100%
user9212 119.47 96.8%
user381085 117.89 95.6%
localbisexual 114.26 90.4%
adrianpb 109.92 93.2%

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user381085 117.89 95.6%
vivalasgaygas 66.62 93.8%
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