Chase's Quote - Chase Maurice Weinberg

This quote fue agregado por mrchaseyface
I really enjoy typing on keyboards, especially since you're probably typing on a keyboard right now as you read this. That is very nice of you to test out my quote, human. Assuming you're a human, I would like to inform you that the typing test will end in five, four, three, two, one, zero. Huh, it didn't end yet? Oh well, I guess it did end. Bye now!

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venerated 142.46 100%
user291759 134.26 98.6%
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user627603 113.66 92.4%
user739074 112.53 97.0%
mafuso 110.75 96.4%
rivendellis 109.67 95.9%
pcapriotti 109.22 98.1%
2001or2 104.91 88.9%
chronocasio 104.83 98.9%

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