Gina D.

This quote fue agregado por user713307
Does anyone ever come across their own quote when aimlessly typing away on this site? Like a quote you've made yourself. You're just going along, not really paying attention to what you're even reading. Then mid-quote you realize, "This seems very familiar." And you eventually realize, "Hey! That's me!"

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o simplemente dejar un comentario:

chieftyper 9 meses, 2 semanas atrás
Hey! That's a-me!!!!!
memgo 10 meses, 2 semanas atrás
I get so excited for no reason lol
marchtoglory 1 año atrás
leology 1 año, 10 meses atrás
Yes! I have two quotes up and I've come across both! But I play a lot of games... :)

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user871724 140.04 98.1%
kenneth27 133.45 98.4%
thorgott2 133.06 98.1%
feuv 128.75 97.7%
strikeemblem 128.11 98.7%
user491757 127.91 98.1%
69buttpractice 127.13 97.1%
jiggalee 126.26 95%
gordonlew 125.66 100%
rivendellis 125.17 98.1%

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ninjar32 31.29 86.1%
colincastle1234 92.69 93.5%
user381085 116.44 98.1%
strikeemblem 128.11 98.7%