Is It Potential? - Ish Me

This quote fue agregado por mgreen22097
I don't know if you noticed, but there is a graph to the right that shows your typing speed over the course of the game. It seems to not be able to accurately portray your typing speed for the first few seconds, though. I consistently see it show that I started out at nearly 150 WPM, even though my average is usually between 75-85. I hope this isn't a glitch and one day my average will match my best few seconds and I hope the same for you.

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It isn't a glitch. It is very common to type the first few words almost instantaneously before getting your fingers all tangled up and rapidly losing speed. You can try training on an easy quote and working on maintaining that initial speed for longer and longer.

Pon a prueba tus habilidades, toma la Prueba de mecanografía.

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