Sad typist - Good guy

This quote fue agregado por user871724
I will be very happy to find that a quote written by me comes back to me for me to type. I wonder when that will happen. I don't know what algorithm this website uses to cycle quotes. If there is an expiry date for quotes. There are millions of quotes on this website. If quotes cycle one after another, then I guess, I'll never be able to type my own quote. Sad.

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kheng 12 meses atrás
Me too
ibnadam 2 años, 2 meses atrás
I've typed my own quote before.

Pon a prueba tus habilidades, toma la Prueba de mecanografía.

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user491757 130.82 95.0%
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paronomasia 113.73 94.1%
arrathore 110.22 97.1%
adrianpb 110.08 97.1%
momcmahon 108.89 99.5%

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