Procrastination - typer

This quote fue agregado por 123456789073
Does anyone else come to type when they don't want to do other work and just try coming here to relax by typing before going back to work. Then, types a quote on here for other people to look at and it won't let them submit it because it has to be 150 characters.

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user871724 169.19 99.2%
venerated 150.93 99.2%
iltranscendent 150.60 97.8%
user491757 144.46 100%
mafuso 135.93 99.6%
seantype2510 127.61 97.8%
rivendellis 125.88 98.1%
gordonlew 125.29 96.7%
paranoidminotaur 124.84 99.6%
strikeemblem 123.89 98.9%

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user100406 55.98 89.5%
noobplayer 106.19 97.0%
user107670 68.91 98.1%