Turn back time - derivakat

This quote fue agregado por lemonbbanks87
Another crazy journey, another chance to go and change the past. But I know how the story will go. 'Cause all these legends I carry with me, all these lifetimes that only I see, I'm taken to this place in between. Where I've been, where I'll be, turn back time, oh, oh. Gonna hit rewind and find that all these memories, discoveries, these fantasies, they stay with me, turn back time, oh, oh. Gonna hit rewind, remember all the tales of all the people that I meet.

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ykqian 1 año, 8 meses atrás
This quote is so lazily written and full of mistakes. Copy-pasted the lyrics and did not bother to rewrite them into an actual paragraph.

"... journey another chance..." Needs a comma between "journey" and "another.

"... story will go.'Cause..." Needs a space between go and 'cause. Typists with common sense would intuitively add a space, and boom! An error that's not due to their fault!

"... only I see I'm taken to..." Needs a comma between "see" and "I'm".

"Where I've been where I'll be turn back time, oh, oh" just doesn't make sense as sentences and are painful to type based on intuition. Added punctuations to the best of my abilities.

"gonna hit rewind" Unexpected start of sentence because "gonna" is not capitalized and the previous "oh, oh" doesn't have a period. Same with the next "gonna hit rewind".

Edited the quote. Hope it becomes better.

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