My Struggles - Your Local Typist

This quote fue agregado por localbisexual
I struggle to type three letter words, as I tend to switch the second and third letter. I also have a difficult time with the lower row of the keyboard, so here is a gibberish sentence to help those like me: The cab can prove that the box was not very mobile, but zesty.

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Pon a prueba tus habilidades, toma la Prueba de mecanografía.

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Nombre PPM Precisión
freu 118.11 98.9%
bezerkvalrkie 83.25 92.5%
ibbysileo 72.45 97.1%
engl3king06 63.57 89.7%
ladytzyion 47.75 94.7%
jesicabryan 32.90 88.9%

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Nombre PPM Precisión
jesicabryan 32.90 88.9%
ladytzyion 47.75 94.7%
ibbysileo 72.45 97.1%
engl3king06 63.57 89.7%
bezerkvalrkie 83.25 92.5%
freu 118.11 98.9%