Play the hard mode - Moose

This quote fue agregado por the-moose
Real progress in typing skills does not come unless you play the game in the hard mode. Go for 'Sudden Death' typing where the test fails if you make a single mistake. Slow down if you are constantly not able to complete it. Keep playing 'sudden death' until you consistently pass it more than you fail it. That is when you will see a remarkable increase in your typing speed. This is the fastest way of getting there.

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kumagai 1 año, 5 meses atrás
I'm gonna try this

Pon a prueba tus habilidades, toma la Prueba de mecanografía.

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kenneth27 119.09 95.9%
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fieryj 116.59 97.9%
spiritowl 115.70 99.5%
rivendellis 114.58 95%
syterth 114.28 98.6%

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