Typing quotes - myself

This quote fue agregado por tristantrim
Typing quotes is so enjoyable. There's something about getting dropped into the middle of a piece of literature or just something someone said at some point in their lives. You get an introduction to such a broad and random set of perspectives. The only criterion is that someone had to like it enough to submit it as a quote here.

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Mejores puntajes para este typing test

Nombre PPM Precisión
user291759 151.84 97.1%
user491757 138.71 96.8%
noobplayer 128.98 98.2%
user381085 123.96 95.4%
marchtoglory 123.14 94.0%
rivendellis 116.47 96.8%
dcb87 114.21 97.9%
geryjs 111.48 93.5%
npabs 111.13 95.7%
user108043 109.11 94.3%

Recientemente para

Nombre PPM Precisión
js88 70.11 97.1%
beckycudecki 66.07 99.7%
noob123456 105.15 95.7%
jknguia 79.96 92.5%
matysek 65.79 96.8%
npabs 111.13 95.7%
user68438 105.55 96.5%
dany_ab 28.33 87.2%