Learning to Type - English speaking me

This quote fue agregado por andyweiler
I'm learning to type on the Arabic keyboard. On this site, I average anywhere between 80-100 WPM. In Arabic, it's between 15-20. It's frustrating being so slow when my native tongue is so quick. But at least I have something to look forward to.

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Nombre PPM Precisión
kicko 69.31 90.1%
ak5345 67.21 96.8%
annabelle1995 66.56 99.2%
mgraham 63.93 94.9%
slaughtermelon 55.12 93.5%
darling.19 47.28 83.6%

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Nombre PPM Precisión
darling.19 47.28 83.6%
ak5345 67.21 96.8%
annabelle1995 66.56 99.2%
slaughtermelon 55.12 93.5%
kicko 69.31 90.1%
mgraham 63.93 94.9%