typing away - katandhat

This quote fue agregado por user327007
I have been spending way too much typing away on this website. I am absolutely wasting my time. And on top of that I am not improving my typing speed. Also some of these quotes are way too long.

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thisisnobody 1 año, 10 meses atrás
Sorry what? I definitely improved my typing skills in this site quite a lot these months. Maybe you just didn't focus on it much. People have different opinions you know?

Pon a prueba tus habilidades, toma la Prueba de mecanografía.

Score (PPM) la distribución de esta cita. Más.

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user871724 174.67 98.0%
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vmlm 129.91 99.0%
user97238 125.73 99.0%
dcb87 121.81 100%
trishadgk 119.09 98.0%
user491757 119.04 96.5%
borger 118.07 96.5%
bhojo31 117.97 100%

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vimdata 56.00 93.3%
user109152 86.50 98.5%
user80864 91.95 96.5%