Left Hand Quote - Right hand punctuation only - Typing Enthusiast

This quote fue agregado por chellabug
Stewart created a great farce. Sara read Stewart's farce. Sara wagered Stewart was wasted as he drafted. We rested better after we read Stewart's farce. We ate sweet treats as we read.

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senordylan 1 año, 6 meses atrás
The "h" is typed on the right hand.

Pon a prueba tus habilidades, toma la Prueba de mecanografía.

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scottsdaleblond 74.49 95.3%
user679371 73.63 96.8%
shyhamhalder 73.63 92.5%
ebeansss 73.33 91.1%
greenkat006 73.33 97.4%
typester123 73.16 94.8%
skat 72.32 95.8%

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