Humans are self-deceiving, especially when typing - Me, a random user of this website

This quote fue agregado por user78335
Humans are self-deceiving. I typed 1500 quotes and achieved stats of 114wpm with 98.5% accuracy. But I know I skipped quotes when I made more than 3 mistakes and only selected the relatively easier ones. So I opened a new account, setting only one rule: regardless of how hard it is, how many mistakes are made: NO SKIP!!! You wanna know what I got? 95wpm with 97% accuracy. This just shows how self-deceiving we are.

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Mejores puntajes para este typing test

Nombre PPM Precisión
user717489 104.39 97.2%
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jezpher 96.13 95.9%
kenneth27 93.51 92.7%
strikeemblem 86.61 91.3%
spiritowl 85.30 96.3%
borger 84.04 91.7%
chronocasio 83.65 96.3%
user679371 79.51 94.6%
user105260 78.58 97.4%

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ducky2008 45.14 94.8%
strikeemblem 86.61 91.3%
mamagibson 67.38 95.0%