The Typo - Reagan W

This quote fue agregado por user103200
Your fingers fly across your keyboard when, suddenly, you make a mistake. The letters shine a bright red, and you quickly backspace to correct your error. At last, when you fix your typo, you can continue your groove. Boy, is it nice to hear that steady tap-tap of the keyboard.

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Mejores puntajes para este typing test

Nombre PPM Precisión
typin_ 133.32 90.3%
user98852 116.31 98.6%
noobplayer 104.56 98.2%
trishadgk 92.54 89.1%
lacsaokarylle08 91.06 97.9%
vionet 90.22 96.9%
thengis 86.76 97.2%
queenrita124 84.72 96.2%
user843630 83.58 95.2%
geageorgia 82.15 93.9%

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Nombre PPM Precisión
geageorgia 82.15 93.9%
user843630 83.58 95.2%
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user99861 43.42 94.9%
typin_ 133.32 90.3%
somerandomppl 80.81 93.3%
thengis 86.76 97.2%