Why Incest Should be Legal - Not me

This quote fue agregado por bobwizard67
Okay today's Ted Talk is why incest should be legal. Incest is the act of when an individual has hardcore hot steamy intense hardcore sexual intercourse with his or hers own family members. Like it or not we are all collectively a byproduct of incest therefore it is only natural that incest must be legal. A notable professor who has worked with Vought and the Justice League, has proven children born from incest have naturally higher forms of strength, knowledge, and integrity.

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user103365 1 año, 3 meses atrás
bro is mad. its a joke look up the youtube videk
chenille 1 año, 3 meses atrás
Terrible grammar.
username153928 1 año, 3 meses atrás
what the hell. I know you didn't make this and you're obviously putting it on this website because you think its funny but its just nasty. I don't want to type this out , and I'd definitely skip it if I ever come past it . sorry but not sorry. Zero stars.

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