100 WPM considered worthy for Linux professionals - Efficient Linux at the Command Line by Daniel J. Barrett

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All the advice in this book will serve you better if you can type quickly. No matter how knowledgeable you are, if you type 40 words per minute and your equally knowledgeable friend types 120, they're set up to work three times as fast as you. Search the web for "typing speed test" to measure your speed, then search for "typing tutor" and build a lifelong skill. Try to reach 100 words per minute. It's worth the effort.

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poosay 98.24 96.6%
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user103663 83.74 98.6%
peepeepoopoo6969 76.26 93.2%
user90997 73.43 88.3%
mr_anderson 72.78 94.6%
grnsarma 71.67 98.1%
sqroot 69.53 90.6%
user255901 68.06 96.1%
user88047 67.38 98.4%

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peepeepoopoo6969 76.26 93.2%
poosay 98.24 96.6%
poosay 86.46 93.6%