Addictive site - Spelling Errors

This quote fue agregado por spelling_error
A quote I just typed said how addictive this site is. It is. But I think the real reason we don't leave "addictive" sites is because after leaving the site we have to do something that we are stressed about. And these sites give us a good excuse to procrastinate.

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soaps 9 meses, 3 semanas atrás
You are completely right, I'm avoiding my math homework right now
quarter 1 año, 1 mes atrás
You might've just nailed it.

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trishadgk 116.72 96.3%
dcb87 116.19 98.9%

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Nombre PPM Precisión
spelling_error 56.79 96.0%
spelling_error 52.17 90.2%
spelling_error 53.29 91.0%
spelling_error 54.74 92.3%
spelling_error 55.71 95.3%
spelling_error 58.13 96.3%
spelling_error 55.30 93.3%
spelling_error 61.33 97.8%