A Grim Side to Keyhero - Bored at Work

This quote fue agregado por kaikman
Have you ever thought about how it's likely an author of a quote on this website has since passed away, potentially leaving their quote as their most enduring public legacy to all mankind? It's both a happy thought that we can immortalize people on a typing website, but also a grim one...

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bunholey 9 meses atrás
jogri 11 meses, 4 semanas atrás
Interesting idea, a great philosophical thought to compliment my daily typing practice!

Pon a prueba tus habilidades, toma la Prueba de mecanografía.

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seantype2510 129.30 98.0%
jacqueline1234 128.80 100%
iltranscendent 124.04 99.3%
arrathore 123.25 97.6%

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