
This quote fue agregado por quarter
I think it's easy to think that we know a lot more than we know, to think that everything is accounted for and accountable, but in reality, we are all just a bunch of soft animals walking in and out of rooms.

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quarter 1 año, 1 mes atrás
He's not crazy. He's just playing up a character, and it's one of the funniest things on YouTube.
ngyanhon350 1 año, 1 mes atrás
user103352 1 año, 1 mes atrás
Of course he is crazy. I think Vsauce is one of the greatest thinkers of our time. But I can also understand that he's style can be a little obnoxious.
ngyanhon350 1 año, 1 mes atrás
I don't really like Vsauce... I remember he said in one video that he read a whole PI book. I can't believe him and I still suspect he is crazy or whatever today. Well, I don't use this website often. I also don't quite expect a reply... Which feels like it never happens in a typing test website.
quarter 1 año, 1 mes atrás

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