I don’t know - Anonymous

This quote fue agregado por drpepperjellybeanpie
This is the first quote I'm writing. How exciting! This website is so interesting, because I'm going to write these words down, and then publish them to the entire internet, and some stranger is going to read them. And then that stranger will type them, and receive all this information they'll forget about. And none of it will ever matter. But I hope you have a good day, and you have fun typing.

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cosnzaid 124.14 98.3%
rivendellis 122.31 96.2%
spiritowl 115.73 97.8%
chrisbrewer 114.45 94.5%
greenkat006 113.97 97.8%
afminto 110.81 98.3%
memgo 109.17 96.6%

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user871724 174.58 99.0%
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