This quote fue agregado por wrench1
Zed is probably one of the worst alternative pronunciations. How do British people even sing their ABCs? Q R S, T U V, W X, Y and goddamned Zed. It is straight up depressing that we as a society normalize Zed instead of banishing it from reality. Anyone who says Zed should be separated from society and be forced to work in the mines for the rest of their sad lives.

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essdyn 9 meses, 4 semanas atrás
There's more english speaking countries than just Brittain
user949982 10 meses atrás
Zed isn't an alternative pronunciation. It's the original (derived from the Greek, Zeta). Zee was adopted by lazy, feckless Americans because it rhymes and panders to the uneducated. In fact, the United States is the only country in which Zee is the standard. To assume it should be pronounced Zee is typical of an ego-centric American point of view, and hardly surprising given their stance on the Imperial system! (And no, I'm not British).
wrench1 1 año atrás
The person who rated low is obviously british

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