'Willow' Camp Damascus - Chuck Tingle

This quote fue agregado por skyjoos
Once more, I bask in the memories of Willow in all her glory. We're dancing in an apartment - her apartment - headphones on as she giggles at my awkward moves. She puts an arm around me to show me how it's done, and in this gesture our eyes lock. We stare at each other, our loving gazes somehow permeating time and space as I watch from my cage of the present.

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slowtyper237 5 meses atrás
Chuck tingle.... what an author. Space Raptor Butt Invasion, Pounded By The Pound: Turned Gay By The Socioeconomic Implications Of Britain Leaving The European Union, and Not Pounded By Anything: Six Platonic Tales Of Non-Sexual Encounters --- are all books I would recommend.

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