typing revelations - yukine

This quote fue agregado por yuki_ne
Do you ever be just causally typing a quote, and as you simultaneously progress silently reading word-by-word, the deepness of the quote gradually starts hitting hard with every word revealed as you move through? same. I've had a couple of revelations just reading quotes on this website!

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username43211 6 meses, 1 semana atrás
Good quote!
bkliberty 6 meses, 1 semana atrás
very true

Pon a prueba tus habilidades, toma la Prueba de mecanografía.

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Mejores puntajes para este typing test

Nombre PPM Precisión
colincastle1234 97.27 95.4%
m_murasaki 90.27 97.0%
user828068 80.54 91.1%
bellasmom 78.10 97.3%
bkbroiler 74.08 90.6%
slaughtermelon 73.74 94.7%
somerandomppl 69.00 90.6%
reamerton 64.13 95.4%
machinist80 58.24 89.4%
omolon 54.26 90.6%

Recientemente para

Nombre PPM Precisión
machinist80 58.24 89.4%
omolon 54.26 90.6%
somerandomppl 69.00 90.6%
bellasmom 78.10 97.3%
slaughtermelon 73.74 94.7%
user828068 80.54 91.1%
reamerton 64.13 95.4%
yuki_ne 40.75 96.7%