Typing Skills - Unknown

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Beyond just casual communication, strong typing skills are a cornerstone of efficiency in today's digital world. The ability to fly through emails, breeze through online forms, and swiftly draft documents translates to saved time and increased productivity across various tasks.

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Mejores puntajes para este typing test

Nombre PPM Precisión
user871724 159.82 89.7%
typin_ 137.85 94.2%
2001or2 121.28 94.2%
strikeemblem 112.60 96.5%
noobplayer 104.74 98.9%
user660825 100.78 93.6%
clonedcow 97.68 97.9%
trishadgk 95.34 92.7%
tdouglas14 93.53 97.2%
ben.tomo.132 92.16 96.2%

Recientemente para

Nombre PPM Precisión
user660825 100.78 93.6%
user105219 74.45 96.9%
user11228 40.24 78.6%
user109254 47.82 89.7%
user871724 159.82 89.7%
user85658 69.35 93.6%
user105219 74.67 96.2%
noobplayer 104.74 98.9%