Reply to some quotes authors - crymfox

This quote fue agregado por crymfox
Sometimes, while I'm typing on this website, I get the urge to reply to some quotes written here where the author tries to trigger me by saying that I should feel my nose or this quote should be hard so I can feel my keystrokes... I just wanted to reply with this quote: I reached the level of word destroyer. Your tricks don't work on me because I never even read what I'm typing.

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victorpaduani 111.81 95.0%
dcb87 111.61 97.7%
mgreen22097 96.58 96.2%
user949982 91.17 97.7%
lisa1025 88.35 97.7%
crymfox 82.45 95.0%
m_murasaki 80.44 92.9%
justadude 79.86 93.4%
user843630 75.96 95.0%
tdeep 65.93 96.7%

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dcb87 111.61 97.7%
tdeep 65.93 96.7%
justadude 79.86 93.4%