From the Hunger Games movie, Cato's Monologue - Suzanne Collins, Gary Ross

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Go on! Shoot, and we both go down and you win. Go on. I'm dead anyway. I always was, right? I couldn't tell that until now. How's that, is that what they want? I can still do this... I can still do this. One more kill. It's the only thing I know how to do, bringing pride to my district. Not that it matters.

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user32520 11 años, 7 meses atrás
Go on! Shoot, and we both go down and you win.Go on.I'm dead anyway. I always was ,right? I couldn't tell that until now.How's that,is that what they want?I can still do this...I can still do this.One more kill.It's the only thing I known how to do, bringing pride to my district.Not that it matters.

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