Typing Tests - Nicole Stiles

This quote fue agregado por geminiangel619
Typing tests always seem so dreary to me. I can't imagine for the life of me how I'm supposed to type freely when it's someone else's thoughts. I always imagine that I would type faster, and more accurately, were the words my own. Whether you agree or not is really rather irrelevant, you see, because this is my quote, and not yours. If you want to put your opinion to something, make your own quote.

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user98852 132.01 99.5%
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dvorakpt 112.88 97.8%
semperfi 111.93 99.0%
noobplayer 107.45 95.7%
bweeta 104.76 99.5%
jiminl 104.00 98.5%
chasetheskyline 101.33 98.5%
sokend 100.64 97.5%

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