Easy - Edmond Jones

This quote fue agregado por kingwolf
This is easy. Make it easy by typing this the right way. This is still easy. You can do it. Make no errors and you will get this good. This will raise your score. Keep trying, because practice makes perfect.

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Mejores puntajes para este typing test

Nombre PPM Precisión
eventlogging 170.00 100%
batmeh 102.74 99.0%
mobius 81.38 99.0%
fooom 80.14 96.1%
jasontgar 78.83 97.1%
user17135 77.97 98.6%
user837387 77.20 99.0%
user26700 74.41 98.1%
kaikaikaikaikai 74.15 97.6%
sai2388 73.17 98.6%

Recientemente para

Nombre PPM Precisión
eventlogging 170.00 100%
evageline_setin 63.36 97.1%
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user17135 77.97 98.6%
dannybba714 22.76 91.8%
albo69 62.04 95.7%
jp7451 50.51 98.6%
user837387 77.20 99.0%